Saturday, February 9, 2019

Fixing a picture frame for a lost and found letter from 1926

I have to admit - I was really angry when I discovered this frame had been cracked.  But now that I've calmed down, I realize it gave me a nice opportunity to share the story of the letter for which I made this frame with you.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

How to fix a problematic door

Today I posted another video.  This one is about a door that needed fixing in several ways (and it took me a long time to really get it).  As soon as I posted it, I saw plenty of things I'd like to change or do differently, but I'm learning about making videos as I go, and I'm learning how to be slightly less of a perfectionist in favor of getting slightly more things done.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Makeshift Hoop House for the Greenroof Onions

I made a quick little video about my makeshift hoop house.  I've got some Mystery Onions (or Alliums, if you will), and I want to see if they'll keep growing when it warms up this year.  So, in the hopes of keeping them from freezing, here's my little solution.

Here comes the cold!!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Singer Sewing Machine Key from an Old Blacksmithing Project

I've been looking to buy an antique sewing machine for quite a while, and I was lucky enough to find this one for $50 this past summer.  I've done a bit of work on the actual sewing machine, which I show you some other time.  Today we're going to focus on the sewing machine case.  Specifically, when I bought it, it didn't come with a key, so I couldn't lock the lid on and carry it by the handle.  So I decided to make one.

It's a simple key - I tested and found that a #2 square drive screw bit works in there.  So I looked around the shop for something I could grind to fit, and this is what I came up with!  These blacksmithing leaves were a practice project given to me when I took my blacksmithing class at Bryn Athyn a few years ago, and the best of the bunch turns out to have been just the thing I needed.

Here's a video of the process.  Hope you enjoy!